Friday, December 10, 2010

The Military's Gay Dilemma

Blake Benson’s December 3rd, 2010 blog post, titled: "So...WHY is this still in effect again?" regarding the military’s mystifying “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, presents a couple of excellent arguments in favor of this convention's removal.  He mentions the painfully obvious reality of it as a bigoted and antiquated practice that is bereft of any practical application.  I am in complete agreement with this assertion, as it does seem random that an individual who is fully qualified, physically capable and desirous of serving his/her country should have to endure enforced secrecy and fear of removal based on a totally unrelated topic, like who he/she finds sexually attractive.  Blake expands beyond his contention of moral outrage, however, and mentions a relevant practical error inherent within “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”: the frittering away of precious government funding on replacing “outed” gay soldiers.  Blake states: “We're already in debt; why waste more money dismissing PERFECTLY able-bodied soldiers because they happen to be homosexual?”  Good question.      

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