Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Slippery Fish of Government Financial Aid

In her blog, Search and Seizure of the Issues, Molly Flynn offers an enlightening commentary regarding food stamp abuse.  She mentions that, while she supports social programs that assist needy Americans, she is appalled at some of the shady food stamp transactions that she has witnessed while working as a cashier at a grocery store.  I agree with Molly that it is troubling to see individuals taking advantage of government aid, thereby exhausting funds meant for the truly needy, or those that are attempting to “get back on their feet.”  I do take issue, however, with the assertion that we should restrict government aid from illegal immigrants.  They are here, in part, because of our lackadaisical “efforts” at border control and enthusiastic consumption of their under-priced labor.  Perhaps we should consider paying them a fair wage which would potentially negate their need for financial relief from the government.